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The First Ever Wojak ETH Token


Welcome to the Wojak Token Community Website! This is the first Wojak launched on ETH, launched in October of 2020.

Contract Address: 0x4fd2EC9bDd398f8e522d76eA3704F8dBdc1f23f4

The Wojak meme is a popular internet meme that originated in Poland. It is often used to express a wide range of emotions. The Wojak token is a reminder that even the most depressed person can find hope and resilience. The Wojak token was created by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts who were inspired by the Wojak meme. They believed that the Wojak meme was a powerful symbol of the human spirit, and they wanted to create a token that could help people to connect with each other and find support in times of need. The Wojak token was launched in October 2020, at a time when the cryptocurrency market was in a downturn. Many investors were feeling lost and hopeless, but the Wojak token provided them with a sense of community and belonging.

The OG Wojak token remained dormant until in 2023 a group of ETH community members did some digging onchain and found it. They discovered that it was actually deployed even before the OG pepe token. History on the blockchain was made. Following the OG pepe's footsteps, the revival of the true Wojak token was at hand. Wojak is here to make memes great again. Crypto Enthusiasts from all over the world heard the call the action, and like the mighty Phoenix, Wojak was reborn.